Taming the Decision-Making Beast!

A Practical Guide to Simplifying Complex Decisions

We've all been there, standing at a crossroads, unsure of which path to take. Whether it's a life-altering choice or a simple everyday dilemma, decision-making can be a daunting task. But fear not, for there are ways to navigate the labyrinth of choices and emerge with a clear sense of direction. This blog post delves into practical strategies for simplifying complex decisions, drawing inspiration from the "Six S's" model and incorporating insights from various experts in the field.

Understanding the Complexity of Decision-Making

Before we dive into solutions, it's crucial to acknowledge why decisions can be so challenging. Our brains are constantly bombarded with information, and we often rely on mental shortcuts (heuristics) to simplify the world around us. While these shortcuts can be helpful in routine situations, they can also lead to biases and errors in judgment when dealing with more complex decisions.  

Moreover, our emotions play a significant role in decision-making. Fear, anxiety, and even excitement can cloud our judgment and lead us astray. It's essential to be aware of these emotional influences and strive for a balanced perspective.

Introducing the "Six S's" of Decision-Making

The "Six S's" model, as described in the paper "Decision Making Application: The Six S's of Decision-Making," offers a structured framework for breaking down complex decisions into manageable steps:  

  1. State: Start by clearly defining the question or problem. This might seem obvious, but it's crucial to articulate the decision you need to make in a clear and concise manner.  

  2. Scope: Once you've stated the problem, take the time to understand its underlying causes and the factors that contribute to its complexity. This involves gathering information, considering different perspectives, and identifying potential roadblocks.  

  3. Solve: This stage involves brainstorming and generating a wide range of potential solutions. Don't limit yourself to the obvious choices; explore creative alternatives and challenge your assumptions.  

  4. Solidify: Now it's time to evaluate your options and assess their potential impact. Consider the pros and cons of each solution, weigh the risks and benefits, and try to anticipate any unintended consequences.  

  5. Settle: Based on your analysis, choose the solution that best addresses the problem and aligns with your goals and values. This requires careful consideration and may involve some trade-offs.  

  6. State (again): Once you've made your decision, revisit the initial problem statement and confirm that your chosen solution effectively addresses it. This final check helps ensure that you haven't gone off on a tangent or overlooked any critical factors.  

Cognitive Biases: The Sneaky Saboteurs of Decision-Making

Our brains are wired to make sense of the world by filling in gaps and creating coherent narratives. However, this tendency can lead to cognitive biases that distort our perception and influence our decisions.  

One common bias is confirmation bias, which is our inclination to seek out information that confirms our existing beliefs and ignore evidence that contradicts them. Another is anchoring bias, where we overemphasize the first piece of information we receive, even if it's irrelevant or misleading.

Being aware of these biases is the first step to mitigating their influence. By consciously seeking out diverse perspectives, challenging our assumptions, and questioning our own beliefs, we can make more objective and informed decisions.

Opportunity Costs: Weighing the Unseen

Every decision we make comes with an opportunity cost. This is the value of the next best alternative that we forgo when choosing one option over another.  

For example, if you decide to spend your Saturday afternoon binge-watching your favorite TV show, the opportunity cost might be the time you could have spent hiking with friends, reading a book, or finally organizing that cluttered closet.

Considering opportunity costs can help us make more mindful decisions by recognizing the trade-offs involved. It encourages us to prioritize our options and allocate our time and resources in a way that aligns with our values and goals.

The Role of Intuition and Analysis

While the "Six S's" model emphasizes a structured and analytical approach to decision-making, it's important to acknowledge the role of intuition. Intuition, or gut feeling, can be a valuable tool, especially when dealing with situations where information is limited or time is of the essence.

However, intuition should not be the sole driver of our decisions. It's essential to balance our gut feelings with careful analysis and critical thinking. By combining the power of intuition with the rigor of analysis, we can make more informed and well-rounded decisions.


Decision-making is an inevitable part of life. Whether we're choosing what to eat for breakfast or making a career change, decisions shape our lives in profound ways. By applying the "Six S's" model, understanding cognitive biases, considering opportunity costs, and balancing intuition with analysis, we can simplify complex decisions and navigate the path of life with greater confidence and clarity.



Ariely, D. (2017). Dollars and Sense: How We Misthink Money and How to Spend Smarter. New York, NY: Harper Collins.

Dumitrascu, Sorin. (2017). Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Strategies: A Practical Guide.

Hill, Dan. (2015). How Much Is Your Spare Room Worth?. Spectrum, IEEE. 52. 32-58. 10.1109/MSPEC.2015.7226609. DOI: 10.1109/MSPEC.2015.7226609.

Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.


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